About SAIB
The Saudi Investment Bank – a financial institution, subject to SAMA supervision. Commercial Registration No. 1010011570 The Saudi Investment Bank, a Saudi joint-stock company, has been established pursuant to the Royal Decree No. M/31 dated 23 June 1976 (corresponding to 25 Jumada Al-Thani 1396H.) and started its business on 16 March 1977 (corresponding to 25 Rabie Awwal 1397H.) SAIB has also established successful joint-ventures and subsidiaries to cater to the needs for investment banking, share trading, asset management, leasing, mortgages, insurance and credit cards. The shareholders of SAIB, a publicly listed company, include the General Organization for Social Insurance, the Public Pension Agency, other Saudi public and private institutions as well as Saudi Individuals.
Because at SAIB:
- We assign people to the right role for each of them
- We identify, measure and fulfill the training needs of our people
- We hire talents with disabilities
- We care for our people’s comfort, health and safety
- We support our female employees to achieve work-life balance
- We value incentives
A Word
Our role is to support talents and create the friendly, motivating work environment for them to help us, in turn, achieve SAIB’s strategic objectives
Human Resources